Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Polka dot Nappy Bag

The second project my sister-in-law and I shopped for during my recent visit to Germany was... a Wickeltasche.
The fabric was purchased in Anders, Besonders, Gut in Pivitsheide (near Detmold/Bielefeld/Köln). We had great fun with the shopkeeper, and she was extremely helpful too.

So here's the Wickeltasche, or auf Englisch, nappy bag. Is that the correct term? Not having a need for such an item, I actually only know the word in my niece's mother tongue!
The polka dot fabric is washable. It's like oil-cloth but not as thick or as shiny.

The lining is a cotton. We tried to get something lustiger but the shop didn't have anything to match (they did have another very fun fabric which will be made into a project very soon...) so we went for this checkered praktisch lining.
There's a mobile phone pocket inside and a zippable pocket. The zipped pocket is lined in pink satin, forgot to take a photo.

The side of the bag has rings which will clip onto exhisting hooks on the pram:
Who knows how this bag came together, the bottom corners are crazy!
Considering I had no pattern to make this nappy bag, I am very proud of it. I hope it's new owners will be too. In the post...

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